Set the scene

I love being wooed (nice profession to pick considering that, yeah?). And from years of experience of being wooed, I know this truth to be universal: flirtation and seduction is an art. I love flirting, I love seducing, and I love being wooed back. It’s my favorite pastime in the world. And like every great pastime, it never hurts to plan for it just a little.

Don’t get me wrong, I love traditional dates. Old is gold and traditional date ideas have a charm and an aura of sensuality when accompanied by a delightful companion. Dinners, museums, theaters, art galleries, concerts, couples’ massages and mani-pedis. The list goes on. Bring in the touch of romance and I’ll bring the rest.

Feeling playful? I do not promise to be good at any of them but what I lack in skills, I make up in enthusiasm (and a competitive spirit). Let’s play pool, go bowling, a game of laser tag or a puzzle room. Want to go big? Let’s go to an amusement park or a smash room! Want to stay home? I’m always up for nude board games. Want to learn something? I always love a dance class. Feeling adventurous? Let’s go ziplining. With a partner like you, what’s holding us back?

Need some serenity? I love stargazing, going to aquariums and planetariums, renting a cabin in the woods and campfires. Enjoy fishing? I’d love to learn. Have a favorite hiking trail? Show me. Have a favorite old book store? I am an avid reader (and a shopaholic when it comes to books). Woo with food. Cook for me (preferably naked with only an apron) or take me to a cooking class with you. Or let’s binge watch your favorite films snuggled up. Quiet moments are the underrated joys of life we don’t indulge in enough.

Looking for something unusual? I am a Halloween baby and I love the occult! Snake massages, fortune tellers, murder mystery dinner parties, and haunted houses are great year around birthday trips. I am also a fan of car shows and monster trucks (little known facts about me) so I’d love to be the pretty thing on your arm. Have a wild idea? I’m for trying (almost) anything at least once!

Have a date idea? Tell me!